Gray helicopter hanging from the ceiling of an anechoic chamber

Radio frequency (RF) generators for a true-to-life RF environment

Ensure your RF communication systems are ready for the real world before operational deployment

Fighter aircraft in anechoic chamber

Bringing over 20 years of RF generation expertise to your lab

Find and fix design problems during developmental testing. Viasat’s RF signal environment generation surpasses ordinary simulation and computer modeling techniques to deliver a true-to-life, dense avionics environment for the most accurate analysis of RF communication system performance. 

Fighter pilot looking out window of jet

AIMS-certified by the Department of 国防 (DoD)

Viasat offers a comprehensive, 端到端IFF解决方案, including the world’s first and only 空气 Traffic Control Radar Beacon System, Identification Friend or Foe, 马克十二/马克二十三, Systems (AIMS)-certified IFF environment generation test set. This ensures users have the confidence they need before entering the battlespace — delivering a realistic flight experience.

测试 your RF communication systems

Speed flight tests and time to market with:

  • A realistic signal environment: Simulated environment generates real RF
  • A high-density RF signal environment: Hundreds of independent signals
  • Collision avoidance: Generate scenarios to ensure safe maneuvers to help prevent mid-air collisions
  • Realistic flight training: Ensure pilots are equipped to handle high-density environment/crowded airspace
  • Independent platform motion: 6 degrees of freedom (DoF) motion models
  • Independent RF signal generator control: Frequency, 振幅, 延迟, 多普勒, 脉冲特性, 和更多的
Lab-tested, environment proven

If your avionics survive in the lab, then they’re ready for combat.

Systems designers rely on our signal modeling expertise to help successfully launch better avionics and communications systems on time and under budget. We offer RF signal generators for a variety of testing:

  • 单元测试
  • Dense communication testing
  • 监控测试
  • 干扰试验的影响
Radio frequency generator VRG-1000

Designed for testing IFF systems, Viasat’s Radio Frequency Generator (VRG-1000) includes an industry-leading 50 independent IFF interrogator and 25 independent transponder platforms. This portable test set brings high-density signal testing on-location to your installed or in-development IFF system, so you can replicate crowded airspace and reduce flight test time by evaluating your system in a lab. For advanced antenna testing, a sum and difference channel configuration (VRG-1000SD) is available upon request.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter solution

Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems used a Communication, 导航, and Identification (CNI) Function Stimulator (CFS) for avionics testing of F-35 Lightning II aircraft, also known as the Joint Strike Fighter. 航空电子设备 systems complexity in state-of-the-art fighter aircraft requires realistic test environments and accurate signal representation. Viasat RF signal generators:

  • Provided a true-to-life CNI test environment
  • Reduced the cost of in-flight testing
  • Used in the Verification and Validation Facility (VVF) at Eglin 空气 Force Base, Florida
Aerial view of an F-35 parked on the runway


  • VRG-1000 IFF test datasheet

    .pdf (516 KB)

  • RF signal environment generators datasheet

    .pdf (1 MB)

See the VRG-1000 in action


Looking for an innovative RF communication solution? Talk to us about your needs. 

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